
Nice that you are on our website!

Information about traveling in Corona times
Please inform yourself about the current travel restrictions.

Even before the pandemic, disinfecting cleaning of the apartment was standard for us. It is important to us to give our guests a clean and tidy apartment and to avoid the risk of infection. We ask those arriving to contact us by phone one hour before arriving at the apartment. We would like to welcome you personally at a reasonable distance and hand over the keys even during the problem period. Mouth and nose protection must be worn by everyone.

Arrival is only possible for guests who do not have any symptoms of a flu infection or other signs of a corona infection. (Cancellation conditions on our website remain in effect.) If signs of illness appear during your stay, we must be informed immediately by telephone. A doctor must be consulted for a diagnostic clarification on Corona. We are happy to help with this.
Mouth and nose protection must then be worn by all roommates. Keep your distance from the sick person who is to be isolated in a room.

During the stay in the apartment, it should be ventilated regularly through wide open windows (no tilted position). This reduces a possible risk of infection. We recommend washing your hands more frequently, especially when you return to the apartment from excursions or shopping.

Nice that you are on our website!

If you have any questions about accommodation and booking for “House Waldzauber”

Contact possibilities

by email:

By phone or WhatsApp:
Tel. 0160-99011804

We look forward to your inquiry and booking.

Our philosophy

Our guests should feel comfortable with us. Come as strangers. Go as friends. Looking forward to a reunion. We are constantly working to improve our facilities and make them attractive. For suggestions of our guests to improve their stay, we always have an open ear.

Terms and conditions


Ansgar Veltens
Stockborn 8
56335 Neuhäusel
Telefon: +49 160-99011804